A Decade of Chais Conference:Introduction to the IJELL Special Series of Chais Conference 2015 Best Papers
Nitza Geri, Ina Blau, Avner Caspi, Yoram M. Kalman, Vered Silber-Varod, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
רשימת המאמרים
Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL) 2015:
Collective Problem-Solving: The Roleof Self-Efficacy, Skill, and Prior Knowledge
159 - 178
Dorit Geifman, Daphne R. Raban
An Assessment ofCompetency-Based Simulations on E-Learners’ Management Skills Enhancements
179 - 190
Yair Levy, Michelle M. Ramim
ICT Use: Educational Technology and Library andInformation Science Students' Perspectives – An Exploratory Study
191 - 207
Noa Aharony, Miri Shonfeld
Teachersas Designers of Technology-Enhanced Outdoor Inquiry
209 - 235
Keren Sarah Levy, Yael Kali, Tali Tal
OER Usage by Instructional Designersand Training Managers in Corporations
237 - 256
Eli Merkel, Anat Cohen
Does 1:1 Computing in a JuniorHigh-School Change the Pedagogical Perspectives of Teachers and TheirEducational Discourse?
257 - 271
Yehuda Peled, Ina Blau, Ronen Grinberg
Teacher-Student Relationshipand SNS-Mediated Communication: Perceptions of Both Role-Players
273 - 289
Alona Forkosh-Baruch, Arnon Hershkovitz, Rebecca Ang
Adoption of Online NetworkTools by Minority Students: The Case of Students of Ethiopian Origin in Israel
291 - 312
Meital Amzalag, Nelly Elias, Yael Kali
“Will a Black Hole EventuallySwallow the Earth?” Fifth Graders' Interest in Questions from a Textbook, anOpen Educational Resource and Other Students' Questions
313 - 327
Hani Swirski, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari
5-7 Year Old Children'sConceptions of Behaving Artifacts and the Influence of Constructing TheirBehavior on the Development of Theory of Mind (ToM) and Theory of ArtificialMind (ToAM)
329 - 345
Karen Spektor-Precel, David Mioduser |
הקדמה למאמרים 2014
Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2014 Best Papers
123 - 130
Nitza Geri, Avner Caspi, Yoram M. Kalman, Vered Silber-Varod, Yoav Yair, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
רשימת המאמרים |
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2014:
Academic Course Gamification: The Art of Perceived Playfulness
David Codish, Gilad Ravid
Bridging the Gap between the Science Curriculum and Students’ Questions: Comparing Linear vs. Hypermedia Online Learning Environments
153 - 175
Hani Swirski, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari
A Chaperone: Using Twitter for Professional Guidance, Social Support and Personal Empowerment of Novice Teachers in Online Workshops
177 - 194
Efrat Pieterse, Yehuda Peled |
Levels of ICT Integration among Teacher Educators in a Teacher Education Academic College
195 - 216
Orit Avidov-Ungar, Irit Emma Iluz
What are the Relationships between Teachers’ Engagement with Management Information Systems and Their Sense of Accountability?
217 - 227
Uri Perelman
הקדמה למאמרים 2013
Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2013 Best Papers
Nitza Geri, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Yoram M Kalman, Yoav Yair, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
רשימת המאמרים |
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2013:
The Use of Digital Repositories for Enhancing Teacher Pedagogical Performance
201 - 218
Anat Cohen, Sharon Kalimi, Rafi Nachmias
Does Use of ICT-Based Teaching Encourage Innovative Interactions in the Classroom? Presentation of the CLI-O: Class Learning Interactions – Observation Tool
219 - 232
Edith Manny-Ikan, Tal Berger Tikochinski, Zipi Bashan
Media Type Influences Preschooler’s Literacy Development: E-book versus Printed Book Reading
233 - 247
Ely Kozminsky, Revital Asher-Sadon
Virtual Representations in 3D Learning Environments
249 - 266
Miri Shonfeld, Miki Kritz
Using Photos and Visual-Processing Assistive Technologies to Develop Self-Expression and Interpersonal Communication of Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome (AS)
267 - 286
Betty Shrieber, Yael Cohen
הקדמה למאמרים 2012
Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2012 Best Papers
Nitza Geri, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Yoram M Kalman, Yoav Yair, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
רשימת המאמרים
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2012:
Teachers' Openness to Change and Attitudes towards ICT: Comparison of Laptop per Teacher and Laptop per Student Programs
73 - 82
Ina Blau, Yehuda Peled
The Impact of Learning with Laptops in 1:1 Classes on the Development of Learning Skills and Information Literacy among Middle School Students
83 - 96
Ornit Spektor-Levy, Yael Granot-Gilat
A Study of Online Exams Procrastination Using Data Analytics Techniques
97 - 113
Yair Levy, Michelle M. Ramim
Lifelong Learning at the Technion: Graduate Students’ Perceptions of and Experiences in Distance Learning
115 - 135
Rania Hussein-Farraj, Miri Barak, Yehudut Judy Dori
Kindergarten Children’s Perceptions of “Anthropomorphic Artifacts” with Adaptive Behavior
137 - 147
Asi Kuperman, David Mioduser
The Usage Characteristics of Twitter in the Learning Process
149 - 163
Anat Cohen, Galit Duchan
Learning about Ecological Systems by Constructing Qualitative Models with DynaLearn
165 - 178
Moshe Leiba, Ruth Zuzovsky, David Mioduser, Yehuda Benayahu, Rafi Nachmias
On-Line Project-Based Peer Assessed Competitions as an Instructional Strategy in Higher Education
179 - 192
Ronen Hammer, Miki Ronen, Dan Kohen-Vacs
הקדמה למאמרים 2011 |
Learning and Teaching in the Technological Era: Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2011 Best Papers
205 - 211
Nitza Geri, Yoav Yair, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
רשימת המאמרים
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2011:
Implementing On-Line Learning and Performance Support Using an EPSS
213 - 224
Eran Gal, Rafi Nachmias
If We Build It, Will They Come? Adoption of Online Video-Based Distance Learning
225 - 234
Nitza Geri
Drills, Games or Tests? Evaluating Students' Motivation in Different Online Learning Activities, Using Log File Analysis
235 - 248
Galit Ben-Zadok, Moshe Leiba, Rafi Nachmias
Using the Interactive White Board in Teaching and Learning – An Evaluation of the SMART CLASSROOM Pilot Project
249 - 273
Edith Manny-Ikan, Osnat Dagan, Tal Berger Tikochinski, Rachel Zorman
Teachers for "Smart Classrooms": The Extent of Implementation of an Interactive Whiteboard-based Professional Development Program on Elementary Teachers' Instructional Practices
275 - 289
Ina Blau
Teachers in a World of Change: Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Implementation of Innovative Technologies in Schools
291 - 303
Orit Avidov-Ungar, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
Aptness between Teaching Roles and Teaching Strategies in ICT-Integrated Science Lessons
305 - 322
Miri Barak, Yael Nissim, Dani Ben-Zvi
The Usage of Data Repositories: The Case of MAOR
323 - 338
Anat Cohen, Eli Shmueli, Rafi Nachmias
Nurturing a Community of Practice through a Collaborative Design of Lesson Plans on a Wiki System
339 - 357
Atara Shriki, Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar
הקדמה למאמרים 2010
Challenges of Integrating Technologies for Learning: Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2010 Best Papers
239 - 244
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Nitza Geri, Edna Tal-Elhasid, Yoav Yair
רשימת המאמרים
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2010:
Implementing Technological Change at Schools: The Impact of Online Communication with Families on Teacher Interactions through Learning Management System
245 - 257
Ina Blau, Mira Hameirie
"Islands of Innovation" or "Comprehensive Innovation." Assimilating Educational Technology in Teaching, Learning, and Management: A Case Study of School Networks in Israel
259 - 280
Orit Avidov-Ungar
The Construction of Failure and Success Concepts in K-12 ICT Integration
281 - 292
Zvia Elgali, Yoram M Kalman
Mobile Culture in College Lectures: Instructors’ and Students’ Perspectives
293 - 304
Ronen Hammer, Miki Ronen, Amit Sharon, Tali Lankry, Yoni Huberman, Victoria Zamtsov
Comparison of Online Learning Behaviors in School vs. at Home in Terms of Age and Gender Based on Log File Analysis
305 - 322
Galit Ben-Zadok, Moshe Leiba, Rafi Nachmias
Comparing Perceived Formal and Informal Learning in Face-to-Face versus Online Environments
323 - 333
Ariella Levenberg, Avner Caspi
The Value of Collaborative E-Learning: Compulsory versus Optional Online Forum Assignments
335 - 343
Ruti Gafni, Nitza Geri
The Effect of Procrastination on Multi-Drafting in a Web-Based Learning Content Management Environment
345 - 354
Miriam Sarid, Yehuda Peled
Complexity of Social Interactions in Collaborative Learning: The Case of Online Database Environment
355 - 365
Rikki Rimor, Yigal Rosen, Kefaya Nassar
הקדמה למאמרים 2009
Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series
181 - 186
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Nitza Geri, Yoav Yair
רשימת המאמרים
Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2009:
Using a Collaborative Database to Enhance Students’ Knowledge Construction
187 - 195
Yigal Rosen, Rikki Rimor
Learning about Online Learning Processes and Students' Motivation through Web Usage Mining
197 - 214
Arnon Hershkovitz, Rafi Nachmias
Instructors' Attitudes toward Active Learning
215 - 232
David Pundak, Orit Herscovitz, Miri Shaham, Rivka Wiser-Biton
Open the Windows of Communication: Promoting Interpersonal and Group Interactions Using Blogs in Higher Education
233 - 246
Ina Blau, Nili Mor, Tami Neuthal
Designing Online Information Aggregation and Prediction Markets for MBA Courses
247 - 262
Daphne R. Raban, Dorit Geifman
Children's Participation Patterns in Online Communities:
263 - 274
Oren Zuckerman, Ina Blau, Andres Monroy-Hernandez |
Experiences and Opinions of E-learners: What Works, What are the Challenges, and What Competencies Ensure Successful Online Learning
275 - 289
Michael F. Beaudoin, Gila Kurtz, Sigal Eden
Course Coordinators’ Beliefs, Attitudes and Motivation and their Relation to Self-Reported Changes in Technology Integration at the Open University of Israel
291 - 306
Eva Guterman, Yael Alberton, Relly Brickner, Ronit Sagi
Assimilating Online Technologies into School Culture
307 - 334
Tamar Shamir-Inbal, Jacob Dayan, Yael Kali
Enterprise E-Learning Success Factors: An Analysis of Practitioners’ Perspective (with a Downturn Addendum)
335 - 343
Eyal Sela, Yesha Y. Sivan
Not as Easy as E-Mail: Tutors' Perspective of an Online Assignment Submission System
345 - 358
Orit Naor-Elaiza, Nitza Geri
Quality Metrics for PDA-based M-Learning Information Systems
359 - 378
Ruti Gafni
Initial Development of a Learners’ Ratified Acceptance of Multibiometrics Intentions Model (RAMIM)
379 - 397
Yair Levy, Michelle M. Ramim