מאמרים נבחרים מכנסי צ'ייס שהתפרסמו בגיליונות מיוחדים של כתב-העת

Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL)

הקדמה למאמרים 2016

Introduction to the IJELL Special Series of Chais Conference 2016 Best Papers
163 – 168

Nitza Geri, Ina Blau, Avner Caspi, Yoram M. Kalman, Vered Silber-Varod, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL) 2016: 

Up and Down: Trends in Students’ Perceptions about Learning in a 1:1 Laptop Model – A Longitudinal Study
169 – 191
Tal Berger-Tikochinski, Michal Zion, Ornit Spektor-Levy

Cheating and Feeling Honest: Committing and Punishing Analog versus Digital Academic Dishonesty Behaviors in Higher Education
193 – 205
Adi Friedman, Ina Blau, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai

CAPTCHA: Impact on User Experience of Users with Learning Disabilities
207 – 223
Ruti Gafni, Idan Nagar

Design Principles for Promoting Intergroup Empathy in Online Environments
225 – 246
Noa Shapira, Haggai Kupermintz, Yael Kali

The Characteristics of Successful MOOCs in the Fields of Software, Science, and Management, According to Students’ Perception
247 – 266
Simona Holstein , Anat Cohen

Can Designing Self-Representations through Creative Computing Promote an Incremental View of Intelligence and Enhance Creativity among At-Risk Youth?
267 – 278
na Blau, Nurit Benolol

Perceptions of Teacher Educators Regarding ICT Implementation in Israeli Colleges of Education
279 – 296
Orit Avidov Ungar, Alona Forkosh Baruch

Analyzing the Discourse of Chais Conferences for the Study of Innovation and Learning Technologies via a Data-Driven Approach
297 – 313
Vered Silber-Varod, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai, Nitza Geri

הקדמה למאמרים 2015

A Decade of Chais Conference:Introduction to the IJELL Special Series of Chais Conference 2015 Best Papers
Nitza Geri, Ina Blau, Avner Caspi, Yoram M. Kalman, Vered Silber-Varod, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of e-Skills and Lifelong Learning (IJELL) 2015: 

Collective Problem-Solving: The Roleof Self-Efficacy, Skill, and Prior Knowledge
159 - 178
Dorit Geifman, Daphne R. Raban

An Assessment ofCompetency-Based Simulations on E-Learners’ Management Skills Enhancements
179 - 190
Yair Levy, Michelle M. Ramim

ICT Use:  Educational Technology and Library andInformation Science Students' Perspectives – An Exploratory Study
191 - 207
Noa Aharony, Miri Shonfeld

Teachersas Designers of Technology-Enhanced Outdoor Inquiry
209 - 235
Keren Sarah Levy, Yael Kali, Tali Tal

OER Usage by Instructional Designersand Training Managers in Corporations
237 - 256
Eli Merkel, Anat Cohen

Does 1:1 Computing in a JuniorHigh-School Change the Pedagogical Perspectives of Teachers and TheirEducational Discourse?
257 - 271
Yehuda Peled, Ina Blau, Ronen Grinberg

Teacher-Student Relationshipand SNS-Mediated Communication: Perceptions of Both Role-Players
273 - 289
Alona Forkosh-Baruch, Arnon Hershkovitz, Rebecca Ang

Adoption of Online NetworkTools by Minority Students: The Case of Students of Ethiopian Origin in Israel
291 - 312
Meital Amzalag, Nelly Elias, Yael Kali

“Will a Black Hole EventuallySwallow the Earth?” Fifth Graders' Interest in Questions from a Textbook, anOpen Educational Resource and Other Students' Questions
313 - 327
Hani Swirski, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari

5-7 Year Old Children'sConceptions of Behaving Artifacts and the Influence of Constructing TheirBehavior on the Development of Theory of Mind (ToM) and Theory of ArtificialMind (ToAM)
329 - 345
Karen Spektor-Precel, David Mioduser

הקדמה למאמרים 2014

Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2014 Best Papers
123 - 130
Nitza Geri, Avner Caspi, Yoram M. Kalman, Vered Silber-Varod, Yoav Yair, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2014:

Academic Course Gamification: The Art of Perceived Playfulness
David Codish, Gilad Ravid
Bridging the Gap between the Science Curriculum and Students’ Questions: Comparing Linear vs. Hypermedia Online Learning Environments
153 - 175
Hani Swirski, Ayelet Baram-Tsabari
A Chaperone: Using Twitter for Professional Guidance, Social Support and Personal Empowerment of Novice Teachers in Online Workshops
177 - 194
Efrat Pieterse, Yehuda Peled
Levels of ICT Integration among Teacher Educators in a Teacher Education Academic College
195 - 216
Orit Avidov-Ungar, Irit Emma Iluz
What are the Relationships between Teachers’ Engagement with Management Information Systems and Their Sense of Accountability?
217 - 227
Uri Perelman

הקדמה למאמרים 2013

Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2013 Best Papers
Nitza Geri, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Yoram M Kalman, Yoav Yair, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2013: >

The Use of Digital Repositories for Enhancing Teacher Pedagogical Performance
201 - 218
Anat Cohen, Sharon Kalimi, Rafi Nachmias >
Does Use of ICT-Based Teaching Encourage Innovative Interactions in the Classroom? Presentation of the CLI-O: Class Learning Interactions – Observation Tool
219 - 232
Edith Manny-Ikan, Tal Berger Tikochinski, Zipi Bashan >
Media Type Influences Preschooler’s Literacy Development: E-book versus Printed Book Reading
233 - 247
Ely Kozminsky, Revital Asher-Sadon >
Virtual Representations in 3D Learning Environments
249 - 266
Miri Shonfeld, Miki Kritz >
Using Photos and Visual-Processing Assistive Technologies to Develop Self-Expression and Interpersonal Communication of Adolescents with Asperger Syndrome (AS)
267 - 286
Betty Shrieber, Yael Cohen >

הקדמה למאמרים 2012

Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2012 Best Papers
Nitza Geri, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Yoram M Kalman, Yoav Yair, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2012:

Teachers' Openness to Change and Attitudes towards ICT: Comparison of Laptop per Teacher and Laptop per Student Programs
73 - 82
Ina Blau, Yehuda Peled
The Impact of Learning with Laptops in 1:1 Classes on the Development of Learning Skills and Information Literacy among Middle School Students
83 - 96
Ornit Spektor-Levy, Yael Granot-Gilat
A Study of Online Exams Procrastination Using Data Analytics Techniques
97 - 113
Yair Levy, Michelle M. Ramim
Lifelong Learning at the Technion: Graduate Students’ Perceptions of and Experiences in Distance Learning
115 - 135
Rania Hussein-Farraj, Miri Barak, Yehudut Judy Dori
Kindergarten Children’s Perceptions of “Anthropomorphic Artifacts” with Adaptive Behavior
137 - 147
Asi Kuperman, David Mioduser
The Usage Characteristics of Twitter in the Learning Process
149 - 163
Anat Cohen, Galit Duchan
Learning about Ecological Systems by Constructing Qualitative Models with DynaLearn
165 - 178
Moshe Leiba, Ruth Zuzovsky, David Mioduser, Yehuda Benayahu, Rafi Nachmias
On-Line Project-Based Peer Assessed Competitions as an Instructional Strategy in Higher Education
179 - 192
Ronen Hammer, Miki Ronen, Dan Kohen-Vacs

הקדמה למאמרים 2011

Learning and Teaching in the Technological Era: Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2011 Best Papers
205 - 211
Nitza Geri, Yoav Yair, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2011:

Implementing On-Line Learning and Performance Support Using an EPSS
213 - 224
Eran Gal, Rafi Nachmias >
If We Build It, Will They Come? Adoption of Online Video-Based Distance Learning
225 - 234
Nitza Geri >
Drills, Games or Tests? Evaluating Students' Motivation in Different Online Learning Activities, Using Log File Analysis
235 - 248
Galit Ben-Zadok, Moshe Leiba, Rafi Nachmias
Using the Interactive White Board in Teaching and Learning – An Evaluation of the SMART CLASSROOM Pilot Project
249 - 273
Edith Manny-Ikan, Osnat Dagan, Tal Berger Tikochinski, Rachel Zorman >
Teachers for "Smart Classrooms": The Extent of Implementation of an Interactive Whiteboard-based Professional Development Program on Elementary Teachers' Instructional Practices
275 - 289
Ina Blau >
Teachers in a World of Change: Teachers' Knowledge and Attitudes towards the Implementation of Innovative Technologies in Schools
291 - 303
Orit Avidov-Ungar, Yoram Eshet-Alkalai
Aptness between Teaching Roles and Teaching Strategies in ICT-Integrated Science Lessons
305 - 322
Miri Barak, Yael Nissim, Dani Ben-Zvi
The Usage of Data Repositories: The Case of MAOR
323 - 338
Anat Cohen, Eli Shmueli, Rafi Nachmias
Nurturing a Community of Practice through a Collaborative Design of Lesson Plans on a Wiki System
339 - 357
Atara Shriki, Nitsa Movshovitz-Hadar

הקדמה למאמרים 2010

Challenges of Integrating Technologies for Learning: Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series of Chais Conference 2010 Best Papers
239 - 244
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Nitza Geri, Edna Tal-Elhasid, Yoav Yair

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2010: >

Implementing Technological Change at Schools: The Impact of Online Communication with Families on Teacher Interactions through Learning Management System
245 - 257
Ina Blau, Mira Hameirie
"Islands of Innovation" or "Comprehensive Innovation." Assimilating Educational Technology in Teaching, Learning, and Management: A Case Study of School Networks in Israel
259 - 280
Orit Avidov-Ungar >
The Construction of Failure and Success Concepts in K-12 ICT Integration
281 - 292
Zvia Elgali, Yoram M Kalman
Mobile Culture in College Lectures: Instructors’ and Students’ Perspectives
293 - 304
Ronen Hammer, Miki Ronen, Amit Sharon, Tali Lankry, Yoni Huberman, Victoria Zamtsov >
Comparison of Online Learning Behaviors in School vs. at Home in Terms of Age and Gender Based on Log File Analysis
305 - 322
Galit Ben-Zadok, Moshe Leiba, Rafi Nachmias
Comparing Perceived Formal and Informal Learning in Face-to-Face versus Online Environments
323 - 333
Ariella Levenberg, Avner Caspi
The Value of Collaborative E-Learning: Compulsory versus Optional Online Forum Assignments
335 - 343
Ruti Gafni, Nitza Geri
The Effect of Procrastination on Multi-Drafting in a Web-Based Learning Content Management Environment
345 - 354
Miriam Sarid, Yehuda Peled
Complexity of Social Interactions in Collaborative Learning: The Case of Online Database Environment
355 - 365
Rikki Rimor, Yigal Rosen, Kefaya Nassar

הקדמה למאמרים 2009

Introduction to the IJELLO Special Series
181 - 186
Yoram Eshet-Alkalai, Avner Caspi, Sigal Eden, Nitza Geri, Yoav Yair

רשימת המאמרים

Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO) 2009:

Using a Collaborative Database to Enhance Students’ Knowledge Construction
187 - 195
Yigal Rosen, Rikki Rimor
Learning about Online Learning Processes and Students' Motivation through Web Usage Mining
197 - 214
Arnon Hershkovitz, Rafi Nachmias
Instructors' Attitudes toward Active Learning
215 - 232
David Pundak, Orit Herscovitz, Miri Shaham, Rivka Wiser-Biton
Open the Windows of Communication: Promoting Interpersonal and Group Interactions Using Blogs in Higher Education
233 - 246
Ina Blau, Nili Mor, Tami Neuthal
Designing Online Information Aggregation and Prediction Markets for MBA Courses
247 - 262
Daphne R. Raban, Dorit Geifman
Children's Participation Patterns in Online Communities:
263 - 274
Oren Zuckerman, Ina Blau, Andres Monroy-Hernandez
Experiences and Opinions of E-learners: What Works, What are the Challenges, and What Competencies Ensure Successful Online Learning
275 - 289
Michael F. Beaudoin, Gila Kurtz, Sigal Eden
Course Coordinators’ Beliefs, Attitudes and Motivation and their Relation to Self-Reported Changes in Technology Integration at the Open University of Israel
291 - 306
Eva Guterman, Yael Alberton, Relly Brickner, Ronit Sagi
Assimilating Online Technologies into School Culture
307 - 334
Tamar Shamir-Inbal, Jacob Dayan, Yael Kali
Enterprise E-Learning Success Factors: An Analysis of Practitioners’ Perspective (with a Downturn Addendum)
335 - 343
Eyal Sela, Yesha Y. Sivan
Not as Easy as E-Mail: Tutors' Perspective of an Online Assignment Submission System
345 - 358
Orit Naor-Elaiza, Nitza Geri
Quality Metrics for PDA-based M-Learning Information Systems
359 - 378
Ruti Gafni
Initial Development of a Learners’ Ratified Acceptance of Multibiometrics Intentions Model (RAMIM)
379 - 397
Yair Levy, Michelle M. Ramim >
   כנס צ'ייס 2014
   כנס צ'ייס 2012
   כנס צ'ייס 2011
כנס צ'ייס
   כנס צ'ייס 2009
   כנס צ'ייס 2008
   כנס צ'ייס 2007
   כנס צ'ייס 2006 >

אתר כתב-העת Interdisciplinary Journal of E-Learning and Learning Objects (IJELLO